What is EIOC Journal Club?

The EIOC Journal Club is meant to foster dynamic dialogue and clinical debate. The field of oncology is growing at a breakneck speed. Cell therapy, targeted small molecules, immuno-oncology, etc have evolved in recent years and have resulted in changing the patient outcomes radically. It is not only the treatment modalities but advanced diagnostics, patient management approaches, access to quality care besides enhancement in healthcare infrastructure have all contributed to making various malignancies as treatable disorders.

If we look at the population of people residing in the Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa that sums up almost 6/8th of humanity on our planet. The diversity of patient profile, malignancy types, their presentation, and management approaches differ drastically in these countries based on the GDP and the scale of economic development. This led us to create this virtual platform that intends to be a forum for knowledge exchange and eventually goes on to help in maximizing patient care.

Besides making available cutting-edge information from the world of latest in oncology we also want this platform to be a forum that fosters exchanging views and interactivity within the clinician community. Our overarching vision is to morph this website into a dynamic forum where the oncologist tribe co-creates, crowdsources opinion, and shares individual insights for the benefit of clinicians and most important patients.

What to expect?

News & Updates, Online lectures, live webinars, conferences will be regular features, panel discussion with faculty joining across the globe.

How frequent will it be scheduled?

We aim to schedule Journal Club once a month.

Is EIOC Journal Club be CME Accredited?

Yes, most of the Journal Clubs are CME Accredited. Communication of whether it is CME Accredited or not will sent via email flyers.

Is Video on Demand Available?

All the Journal Club are available for video on demand on the APMEA Website www.apmeaoncology.com. APMEA website is for all Healthcare Professional where you can exchange views with peers , seek suggestions from opinions leaders and gain perspective from one of the best minds in oncology care.

Reach out to us at info@cancercongress.ae for registration or sponsorship opportunities.
